Bergetar jiwa dipersada bercahaya
Pertemuan harapan pertama kalinya
Bergetar jiwa menghadapi mimpi-mimpi
Sukar dipercaya pintunya terbuka
Di sini jua memori tercipta
Walau seketika terjalin kasih kita
Mungkin disini kita kan terpisah
Kenangan bersama tiada kulupa
Mengalun suara sesuri bisikan hati
Seiringan mencari haluan berseni
Bergetar jiwa menghadapi mimpi-mimpi
Tiada pon terduga pintunya terbuka
Di sini jua memori tercipta
Walau seketika terjalin kasih kita
Mungkin di sini kita kan terpisah
Kenangan bersama tiada ku lupa
Yang terpahit jua termanis
Semuanya bagiku terindah
Kuingati buat selama-lamanya
Kawan yang cool:If it's true love, you will always love him but the context of the love will change. You have to be patient. Sometimes, we can only get over them when we've had enough...enough of the back/forth (that's my experience currently)...only you will know when you are able to let go of him. Hate is a really strong word. You need to breath...take deep breaths. Your happiness should come from within you. Having a partner as a basis of your happiness is a scary thing that undoubtedly will end. Having a partner should only enhance that happiness or put a little spin on it. Last year, I was having a rough time with something and looked to a friend for happiness. She was a great friend to me that I've known for many years. You know what happened? I ended up hurting her so bad....In reality, I used her for my own benefits. It wasn't until now - going through my current situation - that I realized that. So, I did the grown up thing - I apologized to her...for everything. We talk very, very little but nonetheless, we talk - via e-mail. She lashed out at me but only because of what I did to her. Does she hate me? No, but I imagine at one point she was really, really pissed. Sorry for taking the long way around getting my point across, but bottom line is, hate is a really strong word...Hate will consume you. Hate will prevent you from the growth you need. What you need to do is try to just let go...Keep reminding yourself what a great person you are. I'm sure you made mistakes in the relationship - but it takes 2 for the relationship to fail. (sometimes 3) Concentrate on patient with yourself...and love yourself.