As part of our Eid Mubarak, i'm giving away a special promotion for facial treatment esp for MY GIRLS-oit...datang la umah aku...kita main urut2 sikit..
This is really a value for money promotion from Artistry & Me.
You will get a full facial treatment that comes with FREE Gua Sha treatment which firms up the skin, lifted skin, better face shape, reduce double chin, wrinkles, eyebags, pores, promote blood circulation & many more without injection but only with 100% massage technique. Will get immediate result after 1st try!!!
So what are you waiting for? Let your skin shines like never before.
PM me for appointment.
1) promote blood circulation
2) encourages cells renewal
3) restore vigor to the body
4) complexion glow from within
5) firms up the skin
6) health treatment
7) relaxation treatment – no unsightly red patches
Immedicate effects you can see/feel after first attempt:
1) Dark circles decrease
2) Eye Bags/Puffy eyes decrease
3) Fine Lines reduced
4) Uneven tone improved
5) Smoother skin
6) Smaller pores
7) Dark spot lighten
8) More radiant look
9) Skin Lifted
10) Skin Firmer
11) Double chin reduced/Refined better face shape
12) Skin condition improved
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
i'm FRICKIN tired

1-i hate kakak kaunter maybank kat PJ buat keje lembab..boleh plak nak jual insurans 80 sen sehari...mind u kakak tua...jual insurans kat kaunter lain.kaunter 3 tu untuk atm card replacement saje.FYI..kad atm aku hilang entah kemana...roadtax x sampai lagi...sumer benda buat aku risau...isy
2-i'm tired stuck in traffic jam.kereta manual ye saudara saudari...pastu dapat plak kete kiri kanan mcm pundekkk...buat hati terbakar je..
3-nasib baik ade la yg sudi mendengar luahan hati aku ni hari2..sms by sms di reply sudah buat hati terubat...for at least i know there's sum1 care enuf to read my rants..muahahahaha..I miss his words of wisdom, his quirky jokes and he's very presence in my everyday life. He may be quiet, but you know he is there for you..appreciate that!
4-i love I AM SAM..
5-i have to do lead research which pissed me off when i dun have complete resource..darn it!I guess I will pursue in finding the right method to defuse my short temperament. To ensure I am able to socialise and not offend anyone. Wish me
May God have mercy on my soul... Insya Allah.
Pen off~~

Saturday, August 7, 2010
hello guys..sumpah memang dah x sempat nak update blog sendiri..keje baru..sangat penat dgn malaysia kaya sgt...kete banyak sangat..aku ingat nak naik bas je...aku ni bukan hape...kalo jam kete kebal jadi pusat karaoke la alamatnye..hamik ko...sumer lagu dalam usb habes dah aku sapu...nak kata ape...actually byk benda nak updates...tapi x berkesempatan lagi..alhamdulillah..cuti raya dah approve...dah start kelas facial...pasni..sape nak facial ngan aku...esp my gf...special rate..heheheh..hmm..
p/s:i love u n alwez do
p/s:i love u n alwez do

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