This entry is dedicated to my beloved imaginary 'NAMJA'
He's COOL!!!
He's funny!!!
My fav quote from him:
“Those who give up cannot gain victory.”
It’s not victory that is so important, but the fighting spirit. Even if you fail, I think even just the attitude of not giving up is beautiful in itself."
During Boys Over Flowers (꽃보다 남자)..and i was like..I DO!!I DO!!!
my namja..when he's not acting..ok fine..he's semi acting for this VC
That's what a girls' getaway is all about (sorry boys). Although it's not like sex and the city trip to Abu Dhabi, i think we will get along well since we've been together for ten-ups-and-down-year. There's a special type of bonding that happens with girls-only trips and so many women have made these girlfriend trips an annual tradition and a way to mark special occasions in their lives. It's a time to relax, rejuvenate, and just getaway...just me and the girls -twin (dr mira) , xecca, sha & nomeg!
among 5 of us i'm the k-pop junkies. i'm in love with soooo many korean celebrity, i love their music, their dramas & movies. So, this trip is like my DREAM trip. *muka gatal*
I'VE BOOKED MY TICKET!!for 15 days..10 days i'll travel here & there with the girls and the last 5 days i'll travel alone (kinda adventurous,but seriously, i need time to pamper myself and like meleis always said 'bawa diri'.hahhahaha..
I know its a bit early to plan everything..I know that some last minute girl's trips work out great, but it's best to set the date for your women's only trip early, such as 6-12 months in advance. That gives all of my girlfriends enough time to plan their lives around the trip, save accordingly. We really need to plan ahead on what to do because everybody have their own restrictions and as a good friend, we should respect that.
Nothing can spoil a girls-only trip faster than one of your girl friends in the group stressing or complaining about the cost. At this moment, i'm trying to determine financial capabilities of each girl friend who is going and be respectful. Remember, the point of the getaway is to get your girlfriends together to bond and have fun!After a few discussion via twitter, we agreed to go shoe-string-budget-style. We wanted to go to Jeju too. We have to decide whether we want to travel by KTX or plane. everything is about COST, COST, COST..
I'm looking for fun party time filled with cocktails and dancing,sight seeing, to see a show, lounging on a beach and make friends with the locals. I wanna mix that in with a little shopping & some fabulous dining.
1) COMPARE the lodging price. Some may be a great deal, while some might be a rip off. Some hotels might have AAA discount or other group discounts, so ask!!Sharing hostel rooms can save a lot of money.Anyway, its not like we will staying in the room for the whole day right?
2) We chose to 'walking' tours in Seoul, so, we really have to bring comfy footwear.
3) Bring snacks from home or make a trip to the local store and load up on snacks and drinks. Plus, we will rarely see Halal restaurant in Korea then maybe we will cook there.HAHAHAHA..xecca willing to bring rice cooker & sambal from home. I'll bring my tummy as usual. ngehngehngeh
4) Make sure to bring non-prescriptive meds (for headaches, etc) with us. Lucky we have a doctor in our circle. So, my twin will in charge on this.
5) Be FRIENDLY to bargain stuffs.hahahah & DO RESEARCH for great offers!