Tuesday, August 2, 2011

rihanna hairstyle

inspired by





and i'm ready with something edgier.

Thanx to ERIKO RAMIRO..my hairstylist from L'oreal.

Thanx to Kak Yan..for this brilliant idea

Thanx to Kak Shima..for the hair coloring

I met this invention with a series of questions.

Why am I not even bother to change my hair style?

Did I not care about how my hair looks?

Am I afraid to look weird?

I decided that most of my mistake not to try something new, I am hesitant to change the cut that I have for something that might not look good. Indeed, it seemed too stupid to be taken seriously because I am above the floppy hair is still there, but glad to try a new haircut for once.

Now I think about it, cool haircut makes starting a conversation becomes easy. Oh, and whatever you do, please do not assume that you can cut your own hair.

Otherwise..it will be like this!

*yakin bergambar itu penting...walaupon rambut senget2*

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