The provocative title is just the beginning. Wait till you see what's inside... Written by former advertising executive and self-confessed workaholic Karen Salmansohn, this is not your mother's advice book. Nope, no warm and maternal platitudes here. Salmansohn has written a devilishly funny and utterly bawdy book that also happens to be intelligent and insightful. Salmansohn takes gender roles, chews them up, spits them out and tells working women how to get out there in the world and get what they deserve.
One of my favorite quote!
The Problem is: many terrific women have made themselves overqualified for the job of wife, because many men are looking for a woman with 'receptionist-level wife skills', not 'CEO-level wife skills'.
Meaning: If a woman doesn't hang on a man's every word, is too independent, challenges his leadership, wants to create her own hours, demands emotional raises, then there won't be as many openings for the kind of wife position she is seeking. One of the big problems with marriages in the nineties: no room for two husbands.
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