**Reminder:LOVE..too painful to learn when u have to lose it
**Well my dear..u cant always have what u want in this world.It is what it is.Be grateful.What u have now is not forever.
**u always special
dead in silence??..ok!dah hidup balik..after all..u r more than special to me..kalau x..xde maknanya la nak berhabis sakan untuk ko..aku diam je lately.hibernating..bukan ape..aku nak tengok ko dalam pandangan yang berbeza..(lagipon aku tau password facebook kau pon..macam mana aku tau...x payah lah kau nak amik tau pon..aku kan gia...)..but above of all..i miss everything we did..I MISS U
*stalker berjaya*
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