Sunday, February 27, 2011
All She Knows
Once again you're home alone
Tears running from your eyes
And I'm on the outside
Knowing that you're all I want
But I can't do anything
I'm so helpless baby
Everyday same old things
So used to feelin pain
Never had real love before
And it ain't her fault
She knows better but
She can't help it
Wanna tell her
But would that be selfish
How do you heal
A heart that can't feel, it's broken
His love is all she knows, all she knows, all she knows
His love is all she knows, all she knows, all she knows
You've been livin this way so long
You don't know the differece
And it's killing me
Cause you can have so much more
I'm the one your looking for
But you close your eyes on me
So you still can't see
Everyday same old things
So used to feelin pain
Never had real love before
And it ain't her fault
She knows better but
She can't help it
Wanna tell her
But would that be selfish
How do you heal
A heart that can't feel, it's broken
His love is all she knows, all she knows, all she knows
His love is all she knows, all she knows, all she knows
All she knows is the pain
In the corner of an empty home
She's still comfortable
I want her to know
It can be better than this
I can't pretend
Wish we were more than friends
Everyday same old things
So used to feelin pain
Never had real love before
And it ain't her fault
She knows better but
She can't help it
Wanna tell her
But would that be selfish
How do you heal
A heart that can't feel, it's broken
His love is all she knows, all she knows, all she knows
His love is all she knows, all she knows, all she knows

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Gia Perry Channel: Tomato Collagen

This message is brought to u by GIA PERRY CHANNEL *slap*
somebody ask me- Do u really think i should take collagen since im only 24? hmmm...
GIA PERRY answer:Well I guess it isnt too early for u to start anyway..since u r 24 & u r at dat borderline age coz collagen starts to decrease in our bodies starting fm age 25. And the fact that you have dry skin etc at such a tender young age of 24 shows that you can do with a lil bit of improvement altho you havent really reached the age where aging starts to kick-off. Coz I remember when I was 20, my skin was baby smooth, had no problems whatsoever. Only at 22 it started to go haywire. So different people, different underlying causes.
Consume lots of antioxidants: help to promote better skin due to its free-radical fighting properties. The presence of Lycopene in Tomato Collagen, an antioxidant proven to be able to fight off free radicals,safeguards you from premature skin aging.
With that i THANK YOU

My Cousin yang Cantek

Pagi yang plain membuatkan aku rasa nak google nama actress yang makin dikenali di industri seni tempatan dengan nama cikgu ruhana..TASHA SHILLA..cantik..comel..ala2 kris dayanti!
n i bumped to this blog entry:KAHKAHKAH
shiro blog :Tasha Shilla membuatkan aku lupa Lisa Surihani
aku suka komen mamat ni kat pic tasha "alahai lubang hidung comel nyer.." ..kawan2..keluasan lubang hidung pun penting juga ya sekarang
Hmm..mcm kelakar aku baca tajuk dia..i dun wanna say much about this but..*smile* as a family member..dapat rasa sikit la..GIA..nak no fon tasha...GIA..kawan i nak kenal ngan tasha ni..GIA..GIA..GIA..sorry la ye kawan2..tanya sendiri tuan punya badan..act like a gentleman ya!
To Tasha:ALL THE BEST CA!Please don't be typical local the best for yourself & people who loves you!
macam biasa-anda akan dihadiahkan dengan lagu!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tiada Lagi Cinta

There ain't no more love,You know what I'm saying
I'm taking everything back
I'm taking back my TV,my stereo and my toaster
I'm taking back the cat and the goldfish
The car and the keys
You understand me baby (cinta)
Please don't call my number
'Cos that's disconnected
This here Rough Edge
Terry Lee,S-G TO M-Y
You feel me when you talk to much
And I had enough cinta (cinta)
But you talk too much
And I had enough cinta (cinta)
Do you remember the time when
We used to get along
I know that you can't forget
I never did you wrong
And even though I tried to
Get it to your head
Baby a point was not to tell
There's nothing I could do
Picture me shopping,spending,wining and climbing
I'm climbing but I can't reach the top
Baby I'm sick and tired of you lending me on
I think I'll be going I know I better stop
Tiada lagi cinta
That means no more love for me
Sayang.....ku tak mahu
Darling I don't want you
Tiada lagi cinta,tak perlukan cinta
Atau kasih mesra feel me
Do you remember the late nights
Car rides you and me
I know that you might forget
That's ok with me
You took my heart away
But I couldn't survive
But here I am now
I'm alright,baby I'm alive
Sayang ku tak mahu
Baby I don't want you
I need you no more
Baby there's no more love
No love no for schizo oh....
What's the ice clock for you got no time
What's the points of fast cars if you count red lights
Shorty let her two two time,but she won't take mine
I'm popping pipelines,like my borderline
Got too caught in it,pop back your back in it
I'm thinking done I'm done with it,I'm throwing the towel in it
No sake to stay with it,'Cos you talk too much
And it ain't my fault,that you lost your touch
So it's no more love,no more VIP
No more late night knocking 'cos you're bothering me
And I'm staying clear,'cos your loves live wire
I'm looking for something higher like Sarah Maya
I'm looking for new things on the lighter side of white
Even though you look hot,you the wrong side of right
I don't care how tight,I don't ca

gia the brideCHILLA

Kawin Lambat ?? Lelaki ?? Perempuan ??
by Mohamad Razif Abdul Rahim on Friday, February 18, 2011 at 3:54am
Artikel yang agak baik untuk dikongsi..
Ok. katakanlah ko nie fresh graduate pada usia 23 tahun, lelaki, dan start keje sebagai executive officer(engineer/accountant/pegawai dan lain lain) kat kl dgn gaji RM2000 sebulan dan sebelum nie tak penah pon simpan duit kat bank..
tetiap bulan.. setelah ditolak dari perbelanjaan makanan, pengangkutan (sama ada public ataupon motor), duit letrik, air, telepon, rumah sewa dan lain-lain keperluan.. katakan lah.. korang leh saving RM800 la biasenye..
pastu.. oleh kerana korang nie boleh dikirakan sebagai anak yg baik.. korang pon bagilah duit kat ibubapa korang lebih kurang RM300 sebulan.. tinggallah RM500 untuk korang saving untuk bulan tu..
dan lepas setahun.. dgn setiap bulan korang saving tu.. korang ade lebih kurang RM5000 duit kat simpanan korang..
pada tahun berikutnya iaitu pada umur ko 24tahun.. ko pon berjumpa dgn gadis impian ko.. ko dan awek ko nie dah berjanji dan bersetuju nak kawin lagi 1 hingga 2 tahun lagi.. ok lah tu.. bagi masa nak prepare keperluan asas untuk membina 'rumah tangga bahagia'.. rumah lagi.. dgn kereta lagi.. kan?..
pada tahun tu gak.. oleh sebab ko nie kuat bekerja.. jadi ko pon dinaikkan gaji sebagai 10%.. sebagai lelaki.. ko mesti nak pastikan yg ko ade duit untuk keluar date dgn awek kan?.. so.. 10% gaji ko pon.. ko habiskan kat awek kesayangan ko nie..
macam gak tahun lepas.. tahun nie setelah ko berpulun simpan duit.. makan meggi je.. ko dah simpan sebanyak RM5000 lagi.. jadi jumlah simpanan korang untuk 2 tahun nie dah RM10,000.. kebetulan plak pada tahun tu.. company tempat ko kerja tu banyak untung.. so dier kasi bonus 2 bulan gaji.. menjadikan simpanan korang bertambah RM4000.. jadi jumlah simpanan yg ko dah ade skang nie ialah RM14000...
ko ambik keputusan nak spend RM8000 sebagai wang pendahuluan untuk beli brand-new RM40,000 car.. jadi.. simpanan korang skang nie dah tinggal RM6000..
tahun berikutnya pada umur 25thn.. ko masih bekerja mcm biasa lagi.. tapi untuk tahun nie.. oleh sebab ko dah ade kereta.. so jumlah simpanan untuk sebulan tu pon dah kurang dan menjadikan simpanan RM400.. jadi lebih kurang RM5000 gak la setahun tu ko saving..
takde bonus tahun nie sebab company korang tak byk untung.. jadi jumlah simpanan korang kat bank ialah RM11,000. pastu.. ko ambik keputusan nak bertunang dgn awek ko skang nie.. dier kate ok.. so ko kene la beli cincin pertunangan ye tak?..
lebih kurang RM1500 telah dihabiskan untuk cincin pertunangan dan hantaran pertunangan.. so jumlah simpanan ko skang nie dah tinggal RM9,500
tahun berikutnya pada umur 26thn.. ko dinaikkan pangkat dan gaji ko pon dinaikkan sebagai 1.5 kali berbanding gaji ko sebelum nie.. ok.. berita yg baik.. ko pon pikir la nak kawin tahun nie.. sebab ko pon dah tak sabar dan gersang sangat nak kawin.. ok la.. ko kawin tahun nie..
jadi.. ko tanye kat awek ko nie.. "berapa banyak duit hantaran?.." pastu dier ckp.. "berapa-berapa u sanggup.."
ko ckp.. "RM5000 ok??"
dier jawab balik.. "I ok je.. tapi my mom tu.. dia kate grad oversea mcm I ni mana boleh letak rendah-rendah.. paling kurang pon RM10,000 tau!"..
mate ko terjegil.. .. lidah kelu tak terkata.. dan ko pengsan kat situ gak..
"Kat mane lagi aku nak carik duit nie.." ko ckp dgn diri sendiri.. tapi.. oleh sebab ko dah tak tahan sangat nak kawin dgn gadis impian ko nie.. dan atas dasar "cinta".. ko kerja dgn lebih keras lagi sehinggakan pada tahun nie.. ko digelar "The Best Employee of The Year".. ko dapat 3 bulan bonus.. pastu ko pon buat side income jual ayam pencen.. so jumlah simpanan ko pada akhir tahun tu ialah sebanyak RM20,000.
ok.. skang nie ko dah 27thn.. dan cukup dewasa dan cukup duit untuk bayar hantaran perkahwinan.. tapi.. mak ko plak ckp.. "anak mak nak kawin nie mesti la buat yg grand-grand.. kita sewa khemah besar2.. jemput penyanyi ke.. artis ke.. sorang dua untuk buat persembahan.. lauk pauk kite panggil cater aje la ye?.. ala.. sorang RM10 je.. baju kawin ko.. kite sewa yang cantik-cantik dan mahal-mahal sket..
kite jemput dalam 1000 orang datang ok?"
ko pon dgn pantas pon kira la perbelanjaan semua tu... "1000xRM10=RM10000, penyanyi lagi.. khemah lagi.. buta-buta je RM15,000!!! tu tak masuk cincin kawin lagi..!" pastu ko pon ckp kat mak ko..
"mak.. nak buat ape bazir duit nie.. " pastu mak ko ckp "anak mak nie nak kawin sekali je seumur hidop.. biarlah buat betul-betul.."
ko ckp.. "tapi mak.."
pastu dgn pantas mak ko potong.. "dah lah.. ko jgn nak buat malu mak.. cik tipah jiran kita tu buat kenduri kat hotel siap dato2 datin2, tan sri puan sri semua datang.. mane mak nak letak muka kalau buat kenduri kecik-kecik?.."
akhirnya.. ko pon kawin la.. tapi.. 'rumah tangga bahagia' yg ko mimpikan tak seindah yg dimimpikan rupanya.. perkahwinan ko tak dpt bertahan lama..
banyak hutang.. interest setiap bulan semakin bertambah.. dan ko tak mampu nak bayar lagi hutang-hutang ko tu..
bini ko plak dah letih jadi tukang bayar hutang.. dier tuduh ko suami yg tak bertanggungjawab.. dan bla bla bla.. akhirnya.. korang pon bercerailah..
jadi kesimpulannya..
1) perkahwinan nie sebenarnya boleh dilakukan dgn cara yg paling mudah.. tapi kat malaysia nie.. seboleh-bolehnya semua orang berebut-rebut nak buat majlis kawin yg paling grand dan membazir..
2) "Harga" bagi seorang wanita terletak pada latar belakang pendidikannya, bentuk fizikalnya dan status keluarga.. berbanding dengan pengetahuan dan kefahaman tentang institusi kekeluargaan dalam islam.. yg menyedihkan.. wanita-wanita yg baik hati.. yg taat perintah tuhan.. bagaikan "tidak beharga"
hantaran perkahwinan yg menjadi adat kaum melayu pon sebenarnya ditiru dari kaum india yg datang ke malaysia.. bile hantaran terlalu tinggi sehingga lelaki nie tak mampu.. maka perkahwinan tersebut akan ditangguh atau dibatalkan terus..
3) perkahwinan sepatutnya dilaksanakan dengan cepat dan tidak menyusahkan pasangan.. tapi harini.. perkahwinan menjadi sesuatu yg complicated.. sehinggakan orang takut untuk berkahwin.. kita sepatutnya fokus pada kehidupan selepas perkahwinan.. bukannya majlis perkahwinan tu..
Perkahwinan nie sebenarnya hanyalah sebuah "pintu" je dalam institusi kekeluargaan..
kenapa nak abiskan banyak duit dan barang perhiasan kat pintu sehinggakan perabut dalam rumah semua kosong dan gelap..
1.Hantaran: RM 8888.00
2.nikah kat masjid malam jumaat
3.reception/makan2 for 200pax (close friend and family) on saturday nightat bora ombak ampang..senang..dekat ngan 'family area'..and ahad boleh relax n take off to the MOON) sanding cz i dunno how to behave n walk slowly and above all i dun like any 'leceh' ritual..but i will ensure it will be memorable
5.and i wanna ensure i have enuff savings if let say *touch wood* bercerai..
enuf said..
gia yang simple

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


*samura 2003*
Sarjana masuk padang..
Semua orang pandang-pandang..
Hari ini mesti menang..
Kalau tidak KR bengang..
Rindu betul nak main hujan pastu gayut2 kat ampai
Rindu betul nak basuh baju/mandi kat sunway
Rindu betul nak bgn awal hari Jumaat sebab takut nasi lemak habis *dasar kuat makan*
Rindu betul nak tolong Kak Nah jual makanan kat bawah hostel lepas tu dapat makanan free
Rindu betul nak tido bawah katil sebab malas g riadah *ayat budak gemuk*
Rindu betul nak usha mamat hensem g masjid *ayat kaki skodeng*
Rindu nak makan pau depan sekolah pastu lepak dekat gazebo depan kubur
Rindu betul roti krim 30 sen
Banyak benda la rindu

bekas lipatan tu adalah untuk memudahkan saya baca apa yg pesa tulis...senang...x payah cari2..donat oren tu afta da 8 taun pon aku x jumpa..WTH

nak highlight: CUTE TUTIE

from my english teacher:Mr Soheimi...OMG..miss him soo much..

nak highlight:GILA2 + angin satu badan...memang lagi dulu aku ni EMO

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
dvd evening-conviction

The story went like this: Single mother of two works at a bar, but gets her GED, her bachelor’s degree, and then her law degree — all so that she can represent her brother Kenny, who had been convicted of robbing and murdering a woman in Ayer. The sister devotes her life to finding evidence to exonerate her brother. She finds old DNA samples from the crime scene — blood, believed to be the killer’s — in the basement of a courthouse. She fights to have the samples tested. Guess what? Tomorrow, Kenny’s a free man.
It something we all expect from our loved ones, but we so rarely receive. How loyal would our families be if we were convicted of a crime we were innocent of and sent to prison for the rest of lives? Would they put all their worldly desires away to do everything in their power to see to our injustice? I dare say that I know that it takes a special few that have such perseverance or such conviction. Those things makes me thinking and broke into tears..
Betty Anne & Kenny Waters IN REAL LIFE

I think it's really FUC**D UP that Nancy Taylor can't be convicted due to the statue of limitations. Now that everyone knows what she did, I wonder if she's safe...she's the real BASTARD..
p/s:i think there are MALAYSIAN-NANCY-TAYLOR out there.careful with those camouflage-asshole!

Congratulation Ex-Boyfriend

wot a memory..i got this picture from his picture with him???no more..i already burn them ALL to ashes
***thinking back***
Every time I look back and reflect..I always keep that memory foremost in my thoughts.I tend to forget the the bad parts.Because I want to believe that the love I give.. Unconditionally.Will outweigh any negative feelings I may have.Some people think of it as a test of character.. (Love versus the Pain.)But it's not meant to be that way.
Remember the good times.Because that's what feeds my heart and keeps my dreams alive.And long as I have dreams...There is ALWAYS hope.... And with it.. The capacity to love.Learning to love is like learning to walk.I got a few bumps and scrapes along the way.It's a learning process. And helps to give us strength we will need to face the trials ahead.While we search for the ONE we were meant to be with..
I believe he is out there..
chapter done.. turn the next page. :)

The sadness never came *a lil bit* I guess I’ve truly gotten over my last relationship. Above, I truly want Hafidz and his wife to be happy together and have a long, giggly, wonderful marriage.
Have any of your ex-boyfriends gotten married? Did they call to tell you or did you find out some other way (maybe Facebook!)? If you’re married, did you call your exes first? SHARE! xoxo

Sunday, February 13, 2011
believe nothing

Now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you gave to me
But now I've gotta find my own
I don't know where I belong
But I'll be moving on
If you don't, if you won't
Listen to the song here in my heart
A melody I start but I will complete

Thursday, February 10, 2011
d e v a s t a t e d

Someone asked me the other day if my glass was half empty or half full. I was going to say it's empty, but that's not completely true. My life isn't void and I have my happy moments; but they usually just seem to disappear, or get worse. So, my glass is cracked. Yes, cracked. It gets filled up with happiness and hope, but it always ends up escaping my grasp. It always ends up empt-ing out. It will never be full because it's always leaking. And one day, it will get thrown away, because no one wants a broken glass.
I wanna believe that you're this perfect guy and everything you seem to be is true. But when I look at you, really look at you, I can tell that I'm just barely scratching the surface. You're that book, with the pretty cover, the one that I just can't wait to to get into. But you should never judge a book by it's cover, because now that I've read far enough into you that I just can't put you down, there will be a twist... and everything will change... and by the last page... I'll be heartbroken
You don't need to know any of this. But the things I don't reveal are the things I hold closest and fear losing the most. I work overtime keeping them veiled and camouflaged. You don't need to know that I walk around all day fearing the things that make me happy, and that I have been doing that for my entire life.
In time, the pain it took to stay, became greater than the pain it took to go.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
DVD Night
Lokasi : Armanee KondoMANIAM
Selain dari berangan & karaoke, menonton TV merupakan hobi di masa lapang. Kalau dulu,hobi macam aku ni memang x layak nak tulis dalam BIODATA DIRI dalam buku autograf korang.Dulu masa kecik2 tulis buku autograf..mesti macam suka tipu..hobi kau apa? KUMPUL SETEM & BACA BUKU *puke*
Tapi dah tua bangka ni...macam xde hobi yang specific..masa lapang yang x berapa nak lapang pun banyak dihabiskan tengok TV..Untuk Pengetahuan orang yang x tau,hari Selasa merupakan hari yang di reserve kan untuk menonton DVD. Semalam punya session amat memuaskan hati aku.
1. Cerita yang best.
2. Penganjur yang mementingkan keselesaan to KARVEY
3. Driver yang kuat makan
Above all..i'm blessed to have this clan..walaupun 3 orang je sebenarnye..hahahha
I picked 2 movies: DEATH RACE 2 & RED
Nak buat movie review x reti..kau tengok la sendiri ye...

Death race 2 citer pasal asal usul Frankenstein dalam Death Race yang Jason Statham kena gantikan dalam Death Race 1. Luke Goss & Tanit Phoenix sangat sexy OK!!Tengok la!
RED- Retired Extremely Dangerous

Ni citer pasal ejen CIA yang dah pencen..sangat kelakar & cool! Tengok r sendiri ok?
Selain dari berangan & karaoke, menonton TV merupakan hobi di masa lapang. Kalau dulu,hobi macam aku ni memang x layak nak tulis dalam BIODATA DIRI dalam buku autograf korang.Dulu masa kecik2 tulis buku autograf..mesti macam suka tipu..hobi kau apa? KUMPUL SETEM & BACA BUKU *puke*
Tapi dah tua bangka ni...macam xde hobi yang specific..masa lapang yang x berapa nak lapang pun banyak dihabiskan tengok TV..Untuk Pengetahuan orang yang x tau,hari Selasa merupakan hari yang di reserve kan untuk menonton DVD. Semalam punya session amat memuaskan hati aku.
1. Cerita yang best.
2. Penganjur yang mementingkan keselesaan to KARVEY
3. Driver yang kuat makan
Above all..i'm blessed to have this clan..walaupun 3 orang je sebenarnye..hahahha
I picked 2 movies: DEATH RACE 2 & RED
Nak buat movie review x reti..kau tengok la sendiri ye...

Death race 2 citer pasal asal usul Frankenstein dalam Death Race yang Jason Statham kena gantikan dalam Death Race 1. Luke Goss & Tanit Phoenix sangat sexy OK!!Tengok la!
RED- Retired Extremely Dangerous

Ni citer pasal ejen CIA yang dah pencen..sangat kelakar & cool! Tengok r sendiri ok?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Selsema oh selsema

Selsema Burung dah..Selsema Babi dah..Selsema Kingkong je belum..WTHWTHWTH
Musim selsema macam dah buat come back sesuka hati dia..dari sekecil baby jiran aku (asyik melalak je kejenye sebab x selesa),sehingga se TUA aku..suka hati dia je nak serang. Rimas betul kalau selsema. kadang2 mata gatal,hidung toksah nak cakap la..rasa mcm nak tanggalkan sekejap pastu rendam dalam air panas T_________T
I always feel irritated and keep on whining if i got FLU..knowing me..suka membebel kalau selsema & LAPAR.Then, my friend told me to take Nutrilite Bio C Plus..

Ni benda alah apa plak kak jah???ko ni ada2 je...
Bawak bertenang ye semua..Senang citer..BIO C ni supplement VITAMIN C yang bersalut NUTRILOCK yang mengandungi
250 mg vitamin C (termasuk 30 gvitamin C semula jadi daripada Pekatan Ceri Aserola NUTRILITE).
35 mg multiflavonoids sitrus (ekstrak kulit dan isi buah sitrus) dan Sebatian Tumbuhan Fitonutrien.
sama dengan
Mengelak jangkitan virus dan bakteria dengan menambah sistem immune.
Hmm..vitamin C memang xde bukti yang jelas tentang keberkesanannya untuk merawat selsema secara total. macam langkah berjaga2 sebelum terkena. ..kalau dah terkena..kena lah pergi klinik jugak jumpa doktor.
Sebelum hidung anda diserang selsema..sementara anda masih sihat lagi,kak jah sarankan amik lah Nutrilite Bio C Plus. Murah je..RM 46 for 100 tablets. 46 sen je sebijik..nasik lemak makcik kat simpang pun lagi mahal...dah la menggemukkan..mahal plak tu..aku rasa RON 97 yang naik harga..minyak masak GIANT xde la plak aku dgr naik harga!
Kalau nak beli,bgtau aku ye kawan2..aku tolong g belikan..
Gia -012-367 0178 @ mail me at

Sunday, February 6, 2011
B O B O & Nakata Hairstyle
apakah rupa bobo jika rambutnya di potong seperti gambar di bawah??
mungkin nampak hensem di di perut...WTFWTFWTFWTF
mungkin nampak hensem di di perut...WTFWTFWTFWTF

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