wot a memory..i got this picture from his facebook..my picture with him???no more..i already burn them ALL to ashes
***thinking back***
Every time I look back and reflect..I always keep that memory foremost in my thoughts.I tend to forget the the bad parts.Because I want to believe that the love I give.. Unconditionally.Will outweigh any negative feelings I may have.Some people think of it as a test of character.. (Love versus the Pain.)But it's not meant to be that way.
Remember the good times.Because that's what feeds my heart and keeps my dreams alive.And long as I have dreams...There is ALWAYS hope.... And with it.. The capacity to love.Learning to love is like learning to walk.I got a few bumps and scrapes along the way.It's a learning process. And helps to give us strength we will need to face the trials ahead.While we search for the ONE we were meant to be with..
I believe he is out there..
chapter done.. turn the next page. :)

The sadness never came *a lil bit* I guess I’ve truly gotten over my last relationship. Above, I truly want Hafidz and his wife to be happy together and have a long, giggly, wonderful marriage.
Have any of your ex-boyfriends gotten married? Did they call to tell you or did you find out some other way (maybe Facebook!)? If you’re married, did you call your exes first? SHARE! xoxo
yup, my ex called mase nak tunang.
n i said congratz.
masa nak kawin pun call jugak.
n i said congratz jugak.
n now call lagi, nak mintak pakai duit 'sikit'.
n i said tak malu ke?
haha..men, unpredictable.
men..sometimes they r really lovable n sweet like cotton candy..but yeah...they can be a total bastard...dun worry...my ex x cakap pon kat i...adik dia yg bgtau..and thanx to FB..FB contribute a lot to this entry..hahahhaha *malu:i stalker*
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