A happy family is never complete with a bundle of joy wailing away at her cot. Congratulations new Mum and Dad!
Congratulations on the arrival on your bundle of joy.
Just to say HI to the new member of the family!
Congratulations on the arrival of your new family member...
Hope to see you and your baby soon...
Best wishes for you and your baby!!!
Mum's proudest moment is to bring a new life in this world. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby.
First and foremost...congratulation cik bird sebab dapat baby girl...soo cute...Kasih Qisha nama die..lately aku berjiwa keibuan..rasa nak menyemai cinta dan menghasilkan baby..WOWOWOWO...sangat bahaya pernyataan ini...macam DESPERADO je bunyik nye...hahha
B2B Gathering/My Fulltime career as BD Exec:

Sangat menarik dapat mingle ngan bloggers..tapi since insertion Tomato Essence kat Metro keluar Ahad ni..sumer org pon macam hesitate nak bli produk ni..but i got lots of +ve feedback..tapi..yg x syoknye..ade menapak la pulak produk collagen yg da lme establish...xpe2...love takes time...so..i admit amik masa sikit produk baru nak penetrate existing market...lain la kalo produk Tomato Collagen ni ade letak dadah sintetik..minum2 tros high..sedar2 tros cantek...memang ramai la yang beli n nak jadi distributor!mungkin BENJY anak azean berminat untuk jadi distributor..tapi..the fact is..produk ni 100% natural..kalo x..xde nye la bos aku berani nak bagi PM minum...by this time aku rasa..company ni dah gulung kot...
IKLAN: Sape nak jadi Distributor Tomato Collagen -- email me at gia@tomatoessence2u.com
Love Life: Its getting complicated when i get involved in a strange relationship..x payah citer panjang2...nanti citer Naomei xde orang tengok..ngehehehehhee..but the truth is...i really need a good companion..a guy that can fills my lost soul..a guy that can make me smile everyday..a guy yang boleh main2 mata everyday..a guy yang boleh bawak aku duduk di kaki gunung everest..(hahhahaha..ni kena cari warga nepal)..kahkahkah..to my mr G:Timaro Budha la mary mar6 ni fare
My Waitress Life: I LOVE working in marche..although lotsa people think that i'm downgrading myself...do i look like i care??i just love the environment..no need to think a lot...n at the same time..i feel that i'm getting myself back..BUT..kalo marche fullhouse..nak tercabut jugak la kaki...anyone??sape nak jadi part time waitress..text me!..MYR 4.50 per hour..
Ok Guys!Ade keje!Daaaaa
ko jd waitress?
ye babe!!hahaha...aku byk kenal org bile aku jadi kuli...hahha
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