Thursday, November 5, 2009
I'M O.K..
(invite u all to my blog..for a better ambiance if u r reading this thru my FB's notes)
salam alayk..
hi semua..seperti yang semua sedia maklum..saya sudah kembali seperti biasa..putus cinta..berkabung 1 minggu sudah cukup kot..credits to my BFF's for give me strength..thoughts..and inspiration.T_____________T
It can be frustrating to realize that the person with whom you spent all those romantic times and poured your love on him does not even want to listen to you. That's extremely tough..And the worst part is the thought of "He's just playing with me because he may be using me to test the waters of "what if"..."
I've been thinking about this long and hard and I've come to the conclusion that we should go our separate ways. he made it clear I wasn’t for him and I was happy to hold on to him as a friend. da org xnak..nak buat mcm mne kan..i'm not up to his expectation..Well,what he did really hurt me. It is even harder when I don't know what went wrong. it was an emotional hell I never want to repeat. NEVER.
Be happy on my own terms, then i'll tell him his schizophrenic decision making is unpredictable and not condusive to my happiness!
All in all,everyone needs to be loved back at some point and he's just not meant for brain's still working head wired..

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Guys...come and go..But no way for our friendship..!! I will always supporting you my friend.. I know its hard for you to face it all alone but i believe that you are stronger enough to get thru a new life after this... You should believe that Allah loves you thats why HE always gives you the very best..Think positive..May be that guy doesnt suits you.. Maybe in the future he will harms you, who knows.. Well babe..I LOVE YOU and I dont want this fucking shit spoil your brain.. Just throw it all away.. Right now what you need to do is keep praying..May Allah gives you better life..better guy.. Amin...Insyaallah..
thanx yang
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