New Moon Review:
All was good until Edward was going to the Volturi and the Film MELTED right there on the screen (it was pretty like whoa what just happened). I'm awaited patiently for the ending it was worth it. I loved the Movie I really did I have no complaints. ROB (apparently he robbed my soul) was amazing in it and I'm super excited for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.
I would write more on the Movie and most likely will but I’ll wait a few days to give those a chance to watch it. Heart gratitude to lo who completely made my day..hahahha..lepas 6 bulan kita jumpa okies

actually this entry is dedicated to Xecca since she's posted exclusively an entry bout me.hehehe..
Xecca is kind of witty, an interesting clan, smart n most of the time she's CRAZY, etc..thats what makes her HER. its part of her charm.
shes totally down to earth and normal and so awkward and has completely her own style and personality and that is what makes her a real person rather than a blonde fake eyelashes, thick make up, dumb whiny metropolitan girls. she's natural and gorgeous. (nak duit raya!!!)
shes been one of my favorite girlfriend.We talked about life, relationship, family problems etc.Hmmm hmm i reckon i am not the best friend that she get. But! at least i help a little bit. help to contribute gossip to her.hahahha...
p/s:oit..datang umah aku kalo x busy..kt g swimming skali..hehehhe..byk bnda nak citer neh
oi budak sweet...windu same ko..thanks sbb ade entry pasal aku..sangat terharu siot..!!! hey awat ckp ko bukan kawan terbaik utk aku..? hey ko ingat aku senang nk tdo uma org..? ko pon spesel ape sbb aku pnah tdo uma ko..hehe..nanti bi;e aku free kite meet up k..tamo sedih2..aku mau dgr gosip terbaru kamu!!
tu la ko ngan abg jem memanjang..hehhe..nanti2 tu ade la masa kita ble jmpe..dun worry...aku kumpulkan gosip dulu..LOLZ
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