Dear YOU,
I live day to day thinking of you. I picture in my mind everything about you, as if you were really here beside me. My world is spinning; I can feel defeat, why can't I sleep? Why does my throat close whenever you speak? My heart breaks just to be around you. I take in the way you move, the way you talk, and the way you smell whenever you are around. My eyes directed down when your gaze falls upon me, that bashful smile - I want you so badly! This tension, it kills me. My unspoken attraction is enough to fill up volumes.
As I sit here watching astro channel 712, my heart still thinking of you. My pain is my entire fault; when will I learn? You would never want me. I'm not perfect, beautiful, or anything important. I have to let the dream of you and me go, for I am a woman with an unrequited crush.
You always were a special friend. You knew that, I knew that. Only I knew something more. I knew that I loved you and I have for so long. You complain because you can't find the "right girl." I guess friendship makes you go blind to see what's standing
right in front of you...
Your secret,
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